VASERlipo for Abdomen

Offered at our convenient location in Portland, Oregon

VASERlipo for the abdomen

What is VASERlipo®?

VASERlipo is an aesthetic procedure that removes fat using liposuction assisted by high-frequency sound waves. VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance and is a refined form of liposuction, also known as lipoplasty. [1] This minimally-invasive technology is more effective for targeted contouring and reduction of superficial fat than traditional liposuction. VASER technology loosens the fat from its surrounding tissues, making it easier to remove. As a result, surgeons can create a more refined effect, and patients enjoy a more comfortable recovery. Dr. Roby Hayes, MD of Bridgetown Aesthetics, is excited to offer this advanced technology to his patients in Portland, OR. Often, that stubborn fat will not go away no matter how hard you work. Want to find out more about how VASERlipo can define your abdomen? Call us at (503) 505-5288.

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Before and After Photos

What is Better than Liposuction?

VASERlipo is one of the most advanced liposuction techniques available. Sometimes also known as VASER Liposculpture, VASERlipo has a distinct advantage over traditional liposuction:

  1. Enhanced precision for better results.
  2. High-definition contouring for sculpting finer detail on the body.
  3. A quicker recovery time than many other, more invasive approaches to body contouring.[2]

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, liposuction is still one of the top cosmetic procedures. [3] 

Liposuction has been used to contour the body, removing large and small fat pockets. But traditional methods come with an increased risk of scarring, lumpiness, and contour irregularities.[1] Therefore, it is vital to find a doctor who understands not only the technology of VASERlipo but also how skin, fat, muscle, and skeletal structures create the topography of the human body. 

How Do High-Frequency Sound Waves Target Fat?

The energy wavelengths in VASER specifically target the adipocytes, or fat cells. The energy produced by the cannula breaks the cellular walls and causes the release of the contents into the intercellular space; triglycerides, normal interstitial fluid, and tumescent fluid mix to create a fatty emulsion, which is easily extracted from the subcutaneous area by low-vacuum suction. [4]

Am I a Candidate for Lipo?

VASERlipo is ideal for candidates with isolated pockets of fat that create an unappealing silhouette. Patients considering VASERlipo will experience optimal results if they are at or near their ideal weight – VASERlipo is not an overall weight loss technique. But for patients who find it difficult or impossible to lose stubborn fat through diet and exercise, VASERlipo is an exciting new approach. Furthermore, liposuction is appropriate for candidates at any age. Still, the results are optimal if the skin’s elasticity will allow it to mold to your body once the fat is sculpted and removed. Patients with areas of fat in multiple locations will be pleased with the results of VASERlipo since we can treat numerous places at once.

Explaining the VASERlipo Procedure

VASERlipo offers a significantly reduced recovery time over the traditional liposuction procedure due to the lack of injury often seen during traditional liposuction; the VASER vibrating cannula makes all the difference. These vibrations, or high-frequency sound waves, emulsify fat in the targeted area erasing the need for the traditional tugging and pulling of the non-vibrating cannula. [5] Once these vibrations emulsify the fat, it is easily aspirated and removed by vacuum suction. While traditional liposuction removes fat, it can also inadvertently damage connective tissues that support your skin, which increases recovery time and the risk of injury. [6]

Recovery from VASERlipo

After your procedure, you will be dressed in a compression garment and drains to alleviate fluid build-up; drains will be removed 48-72 hours after your procedure. You should wear your compression garment for approximately four weeks. Patients are advised to take any antibiotic or anti-inflammatory medicines Dr. Hayes prescribed before treatment. Patients who receive lymphatic drainage massages once the 48-hour mark has passed will see increased healing and recovery. [1]

Patients may see swelling that will make the initial definition seem to disappear, but this is temporary and will go down after three to four weeks.

Recovery from a minimally invasive procedure like VASERlipo is your time to slow down and focus on your needs. Create a space in your home devoted to recovery. Ask your friends and family for help should you need it. Drink plenty of water, and watch plenty of your favorite shows. Dr. Hayes will give you the go-ahead to resume your routine and increase your activity.


Bridgetown Aesthetics invites you to connect with us and schedule your confidential consultation, after which we will present your custom treatment plan and an accurate cost estimate. Call (503) 505-5288 to speak with one of our dedicated team members.


Is VASERlipo safe?

Yes! Clinical research shows that VASER has proven to be a safe and exacting technology when used for superficial definition. [7]


  1. HOYOS A, MILLARD J. VASER-assisted high-definition liposculpture. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2007;27(6):594-604. doi:10.1016/j.asj.2007.08.007
  2. Shridharani S, Broyles J, Matarasso A. Liposuction devices: technology update. Medical Devices: Evidence and Research. Published online July 2014:241. doi:10.2147/mder.s47322
  3. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 2020 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report.; 2020.
  4. Troilius C. Ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty: Is it really safe? Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 1999;23(5):307-311. doi:10.1007/s002669900290
  5. Seth A, Lin A, Austen W, Gilman R, Gallico G, Colwell A. Impact of Patient Subtype and Surgical Variables on Abdominoplasty Outcomes: A 12-Year Massachusetts General Hospital Experience. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2017; 140 (5): 899-908. doi:10.1097/PRS.0000000000003816.
  6. Najera, Robert M. M.D.; Asheld, Wilbur D.O.; Sayeed, Syed M. M.D.; Glickman, Laurence T. M.D.. Comparison of Seroma Formation following Abdominoplasty with or without Liposuction. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: January 2011 – Volume 127 – Issue 1 – p 417-422 doi:10.1097/PRS.0b013e3181f95763
  7. Alfredo E. Hoyos, MD, John A. Millard, MD, VASER-Assisted High-Definition Liposculpture, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 27, Issue 6, November 2007, Pages 594–604,